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GitHub Mylyn connector: Getting issues from GitHub




I'm using this GitHub Mylyn connector: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/github-mylyn-connector

However, when someone is creating an issue on GitHub itself, it doesn't get updated in my tasks in Eclipse. I am working in a team, therefore want to have the possibility to share all the tasks. The idea behind Mylyn was to create tasks, sync it with GitHub and everyone else will just sync their task list against the issue list on GitHub. As I mentioned, somehow it doesn't sync any tasks that were created on GitHub itself, therefore I assume that tasks I create in Mylyn and sync with GitHub won't be synced to my colleagues computer as well.

Any solution for this?

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cherrun Avatar asked Jun 24 '12 08:06


1 Answers

The idea behind the link between GitHub issue and Mylyn is to define a query:

GitHub issue Mylyn query

GitHub issue task repositories support creating queries that filter by the following fields:

  • State (open or closed)
  • Milestones
  • Mentions
  • Assignee
  • Labels

So if you don't define a query for the issues (especially for the ones assigned to you or your team), you won't see them.

That query will use the GitHub v3 API for issues.
(Huboard is an example of another service, beside Egit, which uses that API: as described in Huboard – Github issues made awesome, by Ryan Rauh)

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VonC Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 10:10
