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github markdown colspan

Is there a way to have 'colspan' on github markdown?

I'm trying to create a table where one row takes up four columns.

| One     | Two        | Three   | Four          | 
| ------------- |-------------| ---------| ------------- |
| One                | Two               | Three          | Four                |

| One     | Two        | Three   | Four          | 
| ------------- |-------------| ---------| ------------- |
| Span Across ||||

You can see a live preview by pasting the above here http://markdown-here.com/livedemo.html

like image 226
user391986 Avatar asked Sep 27 '22 02:09


1 Answers

You can use HTML tables on GitHub (but not on StackOverflow)

    <td colspan="2">Three</td>


HTML table output

like image 112
fregante Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
