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GitHub: Linking to an issue from a wiki page



On GitHub, is there a simple way to reference an issue (eg: #1234) from within a markdown file such that it is displayed as a hyperlink?

I don't want to write out the full form each time, as in:


In commit messages, issue numbers are automatically hyperlinked. Can this happen in wiki documents too?

(This is not a duplicate of this question which is simply asking about markdown hyperlink syntax.)

like image 321
Drew Noakes Avatar asked Nov 20 '13 13:11

Drew Noakes

People also ask

How do I link a wiki page to GitHub?

Adding links You can create links in wikis using the standard markup supported by your page, or using MediaWiki syntax. For example: If your pages are rendered with Markdown, the link syntax is [Link Text](full-URL-of-wiki-page) . With MediaWiki syntax, the link syntax is [[nameofwikipage|Link Text]] .

How do I link to an issue in GitHub?

To link related issues in the same repository, you can type # followed by part of the issue title and then clicking the issue that you want to link. To communicate responsibility, you can assign issues.

1 Answers

It doesn't happen in wiki documents.

You can use a relative url but it isn't that much of a shortcut. It also depends on where you are in the project.

For example in the Readme.md in the master branch of the project:


On the github wikis:



(h/t to VertigoRay for suggesting this)

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Shawn Balestracci Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10

Shawn Balestracci