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github invite non-github users to private repo



I am setting up a private repository in GitHub and I want to invite people to my repo.

I found out that I can invite github users as my team members, but I want to know is it possible to invite non-github users to access my repo for checkin/checkout?

Thanks in advance.

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user2777473 Avatar asked Oct 16 '13 17:10


People also ask

How do I add an outside collaborator to GitHub?

In the top right corner of GitHub.com, click your profile photo, then click Your organizations. Click the name of your organization. Under your organization name, click People. Select the person or people you'd like to convert to outside collaborators.

Can I give access to private repo GitHub?

You can give people collaborator access to repositories owned by your personal account. If you're using GitHub Free, you can add unlimited collaborators on public and private repositories.

1 Answers

You could add their ssh keys as Deployment Keys.

Deployment keys are ssh keys of users (usually, scripts) that are allowed to read the repository so they can build the code and deploy it somewhere.

This would allow your non-githubber coworkers to clone the repository.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's an equivalent system to allowing non-githubber to use the web interface.

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Arialdo Martini Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Arialdo Martini