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GitHub icons missing [closed]




Is anybody else's GitHub missing icons? There are no JS errors, and from what I can tell looking at resources in Chrome developer tools, no 404 errors.

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Justin Avatar asked Aug 18 '12 23:08


3 Answers

These icons are done with the font - 'Octicons Regular', so that won't be loading for you for some reason. It is all done with CSS so shouldn't require js to work. See this page for details:


Perhaps try checking that you don't have remote font loading disabled (there is a command line switch I think), or a bad version of this font cached, or some other font issue - you can check what has loaded if you enable the inspector and look in resources for that frame, there should be a Fonts listing with the Octicons font listed. You could also try downloading the font and installing locally.

If you cannot load other fonts, probably it's a setting rather than this specific font.

You might be able to see the font loading settings here:


I think the setting you need is


which you can run from the command line to turn them on again (on by default now).

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Kenny Grant Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Kenny Grant

This seems to be related. Doing the steps provided in comment 13 fixed the issue for me:

$ atsutil databases -removeUser
$ atsutil server -shutdown
$ atsutil server -ping
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Thomas Bonfort Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

Thomas Bonfort

If you use a plugin that can change the style of the page, such as Stylish.In custom style change the font-family, may cause this problem.Sorry for my English.

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shelltea Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10
