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Github: How do I add my own projects to an "organization" account?

I have started collaborating on a series of projects with several developers on github, and we recently created an organization with it's own "organization" type account on github. I see that I can fork repositories of my collaborators into the organization account using the usual fork menu, but of course I cannot fork my own account.

What is the expected workflow to import my existing repositories into the organizational account? (I presume I could fork projects hosted by the other members, but not my own?)

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cboettig Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 19:11


People also ask

How do I add an existing project to GitHub organization?

In the updated github UI all you need to do is go to your project and click "Fork" and then it will ask you if you want to fork into an organization that you are an admin of. Way simple, just not easy to find.

How do I share a project on GitHub organization?

Open GitHub, using "Transfer" under "Settings" for the repository you want to move.. enter the repository name you want to add to your organization.

How do I add a personal project to GitHub?

In GitHub, you can create project boards to manage your repository. With this, you can put all your notes and tasks (issues and pull requests) in a single place. To create a project board, go to your repository. After that, go to the Projects Tab then click Create a project like how it is shown above.

2 Answers

  • Navigate to the Settings tab of your repository:

enter image description here

  • Scroll down to the Danger Zone and click Transfer:

enter image description here

  • After reading the warnings, provide the name of the repository that you want to transfer and the specific organisation that the repository is going to be transferred to and click I understand, transfer this repository:

enter image description here

  • Done! You 'll then be notified that you action will take effect in a few minutes:

enter image description here

For more details, you can always refer to the official documentation.

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teobais Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09


In the updated github UI all you need to do is go to your project and click "Fork" and then it will ask you if you want to fork into an organization that you are an admin of.

Way simple, just not easy to find.

like image 36
jhilden Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
