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github graphql api, what does "clientMutationId" mean?

I saw clientMutationId field in example-strong-typing documentation.

mutation {
  addComment(input:{clientMutationId: 1234, subjectId: "MDA6SXNzdWUyMjcyMDA2MTT=", body: "Looks good to me!"}) {
    commentEdge {
      node {
        repository {
        issue {

what does clientMutationId mean? How can I generate it?

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slideshowp2 Avatar asked Jul 12 '18 10:07


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Why does GitHub use GraphQL?

GitHub chose GraphQL because it offers significantly more flexibility for our integrators. The ability to define precisely the data you want—and only the data you want—is a powerful advantage over traditional REST API endpoints.

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1 Answers

clientMutationId is not directly related with GraphQL but it is with graphql-relay.

Check Understanding Relay Mutations for a better explanation.

clientMutationId. This ID is generated by the Relay client behind the scenes to track the mutation's progress.

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Marco Daniel Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10

Marco Daniel