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github: Collaborators Can Merge Their Own Pull Requests



I have one collaborator in my private github repository. After she sent me a pull request, she could actually go to the pull request screen and executed a merge i.e. she had the privilege to merge her changes into my branch.

Is there some kind of setting that I need to set in order to make sure only I can do the merge? And, I don't think this is because my repo is private, right?


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moey Avatar asked Dec 14 '11 09:12


1 Answers

From 'https://help.github.com/articles/defining-the-mergeability-of-pull-requests/':

You can require pull requests to pass a set of checks before they can be merged. For example, you can block pull requests that don't pass status checks. You can also require that pull requests have at least one approved review before they can be merged.

By default, any pull request can be merged at any time, unless the head branch is in conflict with the base branch. But as your project matures and stabilizes, you can choose to enforce restrictions on how a pull request is merged into your repository.

Protected branches ensure that collaborators on your repository cannot make irrevocable changes to branches. These branches can also be protected by requiring pull requests to have at least one approved review before they can be merged.

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bluephoton Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10
