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github badges and branches





Does anyone know of a good way to display badges for Travis CI, etc. on the main page of a Github repo without keeping them in version control?

I like to have the badges on the front page, but if they're committed in the README then every branch & fork references the badges from master. It'd be better to have no badges on the development branches than incorrect ones.

like image 510
Ben Greenman Avatar asked Dec 27 '15 00:12

Ben Greenman

2 Answers

We're lazy and just put a table in markdown that shows separate badges for master and develop

enter image description here

No need to worry about merging blips then

like image 132
learnvst Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


In your readme link them using markdown to generate the buttons. Travis CI and code climate provide premade buttons to use in your readme. For other services you can make your own in the same format with shields.io (I don't believe they are dynamic but you can update them manually)

like image 44
Diego Eann Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Diego Eann