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git visual diff between branches




Use git diff with a range.

git diff branch1..branch2

This will compare the tips of each branch.

If you really want some GUI software, you can try something like SourceTree which supports Mac OS X and Windows.

To see a visual diff of all differences between two branches I like to merge the two branches - WITHOUT committing the merge - and then use git gui or git Extensions to get an overview of the differences.

Git command line for merging without commiting:

git checkout branchA
git merge --no-commit --no-ff branchB

Then when done, you can undo the merge with

git merge --abort

(h/t to @jcugat's for the comment)

In case you are using Intellij Idea IDE, you could just use the compare option in the branch.

enter image description here

You can also do this easily with gitk.

> gitk branch1 branch2

First click on the tip of branch1. Now right-click on the tip of branch2 and select Diff this->selected.

For those of you on Windows using TortoiseGit, you can get a somewhat visual comparison through this rather obscure feature:

  1. Navigate to the folder you want to compare
  2. Hold down shift and right-click it
  3. Go to TortoiseGit -> Browse Reference
  4. Use ctrl to select two branches to compare
  5. Right-click your selection and click "Compare selected refs"

Source: http://wikgren.fi/compare-diff-branches-in-tortoise-git-or-how-to-preview-changes-before-doing-a-merge/

If you are using OSX or Windows 7+, Atlassian SourceTree works very well for this. It is free.

You can see staged changes in a side-by-side diff setup, and you easily compare local with remote and any other two branches. When multiple files are selected, the diff shows up as below:

enter image description here

Assuming you have checked out a feature branch and you want to see the diff against 'master', right-click on the 'master' branch and select "Diff against current"

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if it will be available on *nix distributions anytime soon.

Try "difftool" (assuming you have diff tools setup) - see https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-difftool.html

I find name status good for the summary but difftool will iterate the changes (and the -d option gives you the directory view), e.g.

$ git difftool their-branch my-branch

Viewing: 'file1.txt'
Launch 'bc3' [Y/n]:

Or as @rsilva4 mentioned with -d and default to your current branch it is just - e.g. compare to master:

$  git difftool -d master..

...and yes - there are many variations - https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-reset.html