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git, vimdiff and dirdiff


I'm trying to use vimdiff+dirdiff.vim to diff inside Vim multiple files versionned with Git.

For Mercurial, it is possible with mercurial extdiff extension.

The only way I found on the web to integrate Vim with Git diff is to use vimdiff on a singe file, as describe in this post.

Does any one know how to use vimdiff+dirdiff+git?

like image 691
user744629 Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 18:11


People also ask

What is Vimdiff?

Description. Vimdiff starts Vim on two (or three or four) files. Each file gets its own window. The differences between the files are highlighted. This is a nice way to inspect changes and to move changes from one version to another version of the same file.

2 Answers

Before git version 1.7.11

git-diffall is what I need, thanks a lot. With help of this page about git difftool and this one about running vim+dirdiff from command line, I wrote my $HOME/.gitconfig as:

[diff]   tool = default-difftool  [difftool "default-difftool"]   cmd = vim -f '+next' '+execute \"DirDiff\" argv(0) argv(1)' $LOCAL $REMOTE  [difftool]   prompt = false 

After putting git-diffall in my PATH, I can diff for example working directory with branch dev with:

git diffall dev 

The --copy-back is also what I need if I want to modify the working directory persitantly from Vim:

git diffall --copy-back dev 

Since git version 1.7.11

Since version 1.7.11, "git difftool" learned the "--dir-diff" option that simplify things and git-diffall is no longer needed.

.gitconfig contains:

[diff]   tool = default-difftool [difftool "default-difftool"]   cmd = vim -f '+next' '+execute \"DirDiff\" argv(0) argv(1)' $LOCAL $REMOTE '+syntax off' 

And diffing for example working directory with branch dev is done with:

git difftool -d dev 
like image 169
user744629 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


Tim Pope's fugitive is the quintessential git plug-in for vim. It might not have dirdiff's functionality, but it does integrate git status output beautifully, with key mappings to easily navigate between modified files. Any files listed in your git status output can then easy be diffed with the D mapping, allowing you to customise the exact changes going into your changes.

like image 22
Walter Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
