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GIT: Two different repositories with one shared folder

I am currently creating a mobile app and I use Phonegap to deploy it to different platforms. We currently have created the app for the Android Platform and the iOS Platform. The Android one has a git repository, the iOS one does not (yet). Both app versions have a www folder which are extremely similar (only the phonegap.js and plugin files differ). I wish to create a secondary GIT repository for iOS which shares the www folder from the original repository (Android), so I don't have to copy-paste the files every time.

Is this possible?

like image 337
Rex Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 15:07


1 Answers

Other than git submodule, you can also try git-subtree. You can also check Sharing code between projects with git subtree

like image 151
Lin Jen-Shin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Lin Jen-Shin