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git tool comparable to bzr qlog




For the purpose of code review I got quite used to using the bzr qlog command to visually review the changes between two commits. I am now starting to use git and am looking for the equivalent. The three primary features I want are:

  • visual selection of the two revisions (like from a standard revision viewer showing the commit name, message, date, branch, etc.)
  • viewing changes side-by-side visually
  • viewing all the files changed at once, not just one at a time

The closest git combination I've found so far is to register meld as the git diff tool and then use git cola to compare revisions. Unfortunately the revision viewer here is limited and I can only compare one file at a time.

My fallback solution is of course to use bzr-git and then simply run bzr qlog. I've tried this and it seems to work alright, I'm just concerned that the moment I start using git-specific features in the repository it will start failing me.

So, is there a git tool, or series of tools, which I can get the same basic result without too much effort?

NOTE: I'm not interested in commercial solutions like SmartGit

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edA-qa mort-ora-y Avatar asked Dec 01 '11 14:12

edA-qa mort-ora-y

2 Answers

Have you tried gitk? It should be bundled with git by default. Just run gitk from your console. It just doesn't compare revisions side by side, but in diff format (+, -,...).

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Ondrej Slinták Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10

Ondrej Slinták

If you're a vim user, check out the excellent vim fugitive and its Gdiff command.

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Stephen Emslie Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Stephen Emslie