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Git-tf unable to find required JAR





I'm trying to setup git-tf bridge on my windows work station. When I try to execute one of the commands it always shows message:

Unable to find a required JAR: C:\my\path\to\git-tf/lib/com.microsoft.gittf.client.clc-*jar does not exist.

The problem is that slash changes in the middle of the path from \ is changed to /.

Thanks in advance.

like image 948
Boris Pavlovski Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 12:11

Boris Pavlovski

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2 Answers

I'm assuming you use the Git Bash.

You'll need to edit your git-tf bash script and change the line




because for you, uname -s will probably spit out “MINGW64_NT”.

like image 75
primfaktor Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09


Try using "git-tf" instead of "git tf". That got me past the issue on Windows (using PowerShell or just the vanilla command prompt).

like image 42
gmaghera Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
