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Git SVN error: a Git process crashed in the repository earlier




I was just trying to commit changes to the Git master. From what I have read, it seems that the idea is to delete the lock file. The message says:

make sure no other Git processes are running and remove the file manually

Perhaps someone knows, which file to remove and how to remove?

like image 335
Pinchas K Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 22:02

Pinchas K

1 Answers

The file in question is likely .git/index.lock and it should be safe to just remove it if you have no other git processes running. Make sure a git-svn command isn't hanging.

PS My usual approach to fixing git-svn problems is to make a fresh pull of the repository. Time consuming, but you can do it in parallel with trying to fix the problem. Have a little race between you and git. Of course, this only works if you didn't have unpushed commits.

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Schwern Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10
