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Git still adds and tracks folders marked in .gitignore [duplicate]




I have a few folders in Git added in my ".gitignore" file. They contain over 100k files. Mainly images, tmp and cache stuff. What I need is to be able to commit changes to my code with out committing what happens in those folders.

I thought adding them into the ".gitignore" would do the trick but for some reason it's not working at all. I haven't been able to commit anything to the repo in days because every time I try the push command it tries sending 100k files then it freezes and times out.

root@serveur [/home/***/***]# git push origin master Password: Counting objects: 110300, done. 

How can I force Git to reindex the tree while taking in consideration the ignored folders so I can finally commit all the changes I made to the code?

like image 634
Patrick Simard Avatar asked Aug 24 '13 12:08

Patrick Simard

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Why are file added in Gitignore still tracked?

“file added to gitignore still tracked” Code Answer's gitignore file – for instance, add a folder you don't want to track to . gitignore . git rm -r --cached . – Remove all tracked files, including wanted and unwanted.

How do you remove files that are listed in the .gitignore but still on the repository?

As the files in . gitignore are not being tracked, you can use the git clean command to recursively remove files that are not under version control. Use git clean -xdn to perform a dry run and see what will be removed. Then use git clean -xdf to execute it.

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1 Answers

The reason it isn't working is (probably) because you added some of those files before you added the .gitignore - so you have to remove them from git before they're able to be ignored.

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1139797/2128691

First, commit any outstanding code changes, and then, run this command:

git rm -r --cached . 

This removes everything from the index, then just run:

git add . 

Commit it:

git commit -m ".gitignore is now working" 
like image 128
dax Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09
