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"git status" in brief or short format like "ls -1"?




I need to take a bunch of files that have changed and scp them to different boxes for testing. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make git status give me a listing like ls -1 so I can script the actions with minimal effort.

I have an existing script that does what I need using ls -1. I'm not a gifted scripter, so I don't want to modify the script. Instead, I would like the tool to modify its output.

Obviously, git status -1 did not work. The format in How can I get 'git status' to always use short format is not compatible with my script. And git status --column produced the same result as below.

How do I have git status list modified files, one to a line, with only the modified file on the line?

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively.
  (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

    modified:   cryptest.vcproj
    modified:   dlltest.vcproj

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

    modified:   adler32.cpp
    modified:   algebra.cpp
    modified:   algparam.cpp
    modified:   asn.cpp
    modified:   asn.h
    modified:   authenc.cpp
    modified:   authenc.h
    modified:   basecode.cpp
    modified:   cast.cpp
    modified:   ccm.cpp
    modified:   cmac.cpp
    modified:   config.h
    modified:   cryptdll.vcproj
    modified:   cryptlib.cpp
    modified:   cryptlib.h
    modified:   cryptlib.vcproj
    modified:   datatest.cpp
    modified:   dlltest.cpp
    modified:   eax.cpp
    modified:   ec2n.cpp
    modified:   eccrypto.cpp
    modified:   ecp.cpp
    modified:   emsa2.cpp
    modified:   eprecomp.cpp
    modified:   esign.cpp
    modified:   files.cpp
    modified:   filters.cpp
    modified:   filters.h
    modified:   fips140.cpp
    modified:   fipsalgt.cpp
    modified:   fltrimpl.h
    modified:   gf2_32.cpp
    modified:   gf2n.cpp
    modified:   gf2n.h
    modified:   gfpcrypt.cpp
    modified:   gfpcrypt.h
    modified:   hkdf.h
    modified:   hmac.cpp
    modified:   hrtimer.cpp
    modified:   ida.cpp
    modified:   idea.cpp
    modified:   integer.cpp
    modified:   iterhash.cpp
    modified:   luc.h
    modified:   misc.cpp
    modified:   misc.h
    modified:   modes.cpp
    modified:   modes.h
    modified:   nbtheory.cpp
    modified:   network.cpp
    modified:   oaep.cpp
    modified:   panama.cpp
    modified:   pkcspad.cpp
    modified:   polynomi.cpp
    modified:   pssr.cpp
    modified:   pubkey.h
    modified:   pwdbased.h
    modified:   queue.cpp
    modified:   rijndael.cpp
    modified:   rsa.cpp
    modified:   rw.cpp
    modified:   salsa.cpp
    modified:   seal.cpp
    modified:   secblock.h
    modified:   simple.h
    modified:   smartptr.h
    modified:   socketft.cpp
    modified:   socketft.h
    modified:   sosemanuk.cpp
    modified:   strciphr.cpp
    modified:   strciphr.h
    modified:   test.cpp
    modified:   validat1.cpp
    modified:   validat2.cpp
    modified:   vmac.cpp
    modified:   wait.cpp
    modified:   winpipes.cpp
    modified:   winpipes.h
    modified:   words.h
    modified:   xtr.cpp
    modified:   xtr.h
    modified:   zdeflate.cpp
    modified:   zinflate.cpp
like image 689
jww Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 18:07


1 Answers

git status --porcelain

This will output in short format but will be consistent across all versions of Git.

git-status documentation

Here is an excerpt from the reference:

Give the output in an easy-to-parse format for scripts. This is similar to the short output, but will remain stable across Git versions and regardless of user configuration.

like image 107
Thomas Stringer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10

Thomas Stringer