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git (sourcetree) go back to commit that has not been pushed and was 'reversed' accidentally

I'm still quite new to git revisioning and maybe just lost plenty of work (but I hope there is a way to go back, that's why I'm asking here).

I use SourceTree on OsX for git revisioning. I didn't commit for quite a long while and now just wanted to commit plenty of changes. I selected to push immediately after the commit. When the push took very long, I checked my folder and noticed that I accidentally had selected a big build folder that should not be checked in. So I cancelled the push (I got a message something like commit was successful but push was not).

So, even though I interrupted the push, I still saw this commit in my master branch. I wanted to undo this, so I could commit again (this time without the build folder). I rightclicked on the commit and there was a 'Reverse commit...' option, which I clicked. But instead of removing this revision, it added another revision labeled 'Revert "Name of the commit i wanted to undo"'.

Bad thing is - now all my local changes seem to have gone and my files are on the state from one month ago.

since the commit (of which I cancelled the push) is still in the list, I wonder if I can somehow go back there? Is there any chance to get the local changes I made during last month back? I do have a backup of my files, but that's also almost two weeks old.

This is how sourcetree currently looks like:

SourceTree Screenshot

as you can see, the previous successful commit/push i made was on may 20. Then today I tried to commit/push new features, but interrupted during pushing. Then i 'reversed' this (interrupted) commit, which aparently reset all my local files to the state from may 20. Sourcetree shows that there are 2 Pushs to make (which I assume are the interrupted push and the push for the 'reverse' commit).

Is there any way I can go back to my local state I had right before committing today?

Thank you so much

like image 458
matthias_buehlmann Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 06:02


1 Answers

First undo the revert commit, throwing away the changes it created:

git reset --hard HEAD^

Then undo the updated render graphics commit, but keep those changes in your working tree (your local files):

git reset HEAD^
like image 183
Klas Mellbourn Avatar answered Feb 18 '23 19:02

Klas Mellbourn