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Git search all diffs

People also ask

How do I see all git diff?

The diff can be done with git diff (followed by the filename or nothing if you want to see the diff of all modified files). But if you already did something like git add * , you have to undo with git restore --staged .

What is the command to check diff in git?

The git diff command allows us to compare different versions of branches and repository. To get the difference between branches, run the git diff command as follows: $ git diff <branch 1> < branch 2>

Does git grep search all branches?

Git includes a grep command to search through commits to a repo as well as the local files in the repo directory: git grep. Sometimes it is useful to search for a string throughout an entire repo, e.g. to find where an error message is produced.

git log is generally the command to use when examining commit history. git log --grep can be used to search for regular expressions in the commit message.

What you are after is git log -S which searches the commit content simply or git log -G which searches it with a regular expression:

-S Look for differences that introduce or remove an instance of . Note that this is different than the string simply appearing in diff output; see the pickaxe entry in gitdiffcore(7) for more details.

So, for instance, in the msysGit repository I can find the commit that introduced Tcl 8.5.8 using either:

C:\src\msysgit\src>git log --oneline --grep "8\.5\.8"
d938476 Make `NO_SFX=1 portable-release.sh` work
ef1dc94 Update tk to version 8.5.8
a910049 Update tcl to version 8.5.8
a702d7f tcltk: update to 8.5.8 and exclude release.sh from the cleanup list

which just looked for 8.5.8 in the commit messages or as you want to do looking at a string that only occurred in the committed diff:

C:\src\msysgit\src>git log --oneline -S"version=8.5.8"
7be8622 tcltk: update release.sh script for tcl/tk 8.5.9
a702d7f tcltk: update to 8.5.8 and exclude release.sh from the cleanup list

The range limiting you have in your sample can still be used here to limit the commits to be examined. Read though the git log manual carefully to get a good idea of all the things it can do.

Note that -S just looks for simple string differences - if you really want to search the content using a regular expression similar to you example then you should use the -G option instead of -S but this will be significantly slower.