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git repository ignoring all .dlls




Title says it all. I am trying to add my NuGet packages to the repository. Everything but the .dll files are being detected.

The gitignore file contains no references to *.dll. The .dll files don't get recognized when located anywhere in the entire repository. info/exclude is also empty.

I have also cloned the repository (file-system to file-system as opposed from remote to file-sysytem) with no luck. This issue also happens on two different computers.

I could add the .dll files manually, but they should be tracked. Why are they not being tracked?

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Paul Knopf Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 05:03

Paul Knopf

People also ask

How do I stop git from ignoring files?

gitignore file will not untrack them -- they will remain tracked by Git . To untrack files, it is necessary to remove from the repository the tracked files listed in . gitignore file. Then re-add them and commit your changes.

How do I set git to ignore all text files?

If you want to ignore a file that you've committed in the past, you'll need to delete the file from your repository and then add a . gitignore rule for it. Using the --cached option with git rm means that the file will be deleted from your repository, but will remain in your working directory as an ignored file.

Should I Gitignore DLL files?

gitignore file is a great help to ignore certain types of files (like *.exe or *. dll). A little entry in this file and you no longer need to remember only to check in the files you really need but not the other ones.

Why is git ignoring my Gitignore?

Some times, even if you haven't added some files to the repository, git seems to monitor them even after you add them to the . gitignore file. This is a caching issue that can occur and to fix it, you need to clear your cache.

How do I list all Ignored files in a git repository?

The git status command with the --ignored option displays a list of all ignored files: The .gitignore file allows you to exclude files from being checked into the repository. The file contains globbing patterns that describe which files and directories should be ignored.

Where do I put gitignore in local repository?

Local.gitignore A local.gitignore file is usually placed in the repository’s root directory. However, you can create multiple.gitignore files in different subdirectories in your repository. The patterns in the.gitignore files are matched relative to the directory where the file resides.

What happens if I add a file to gitignore?

If a file is already tracked by Git, adding that file to your .gitignore is not enough to ignore changes to the file. You also need to remove the information about the file from Git's index: These steps will not delete the file from your system. They just tell Git to ignore future updates to the file.

How do I set the global Git ignore file?

For example, to set ~/.gitignore_global as the global Git ignore file, you would do the following: 1 Create the file: touch ~/.gitignore_global 2 Add the file to the Git configuration: git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global 3 Open the file with your text editor and add your rules to it.

2 Answers

Do you have either ~/.gitignore_global or ~/.gitignore in your home directory which could also be listing these file patterns?

See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files

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Stuart M Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Stuart M

If you use SourceTree and the default setting it will ignore all DLLs by default... Tools=>Options=>Git then "Edit File"... add a "#" before .dll => "#.dll" ... save and close.

Then for Windows Explorer in your packages folder in open a GitBash terminal and type "git add ." and let it work, back into SourceTree wait a second and all those missing package DLLs will show up for you to commit and push.

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KevinB Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
