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GIT repo connection failed in cPanel




I am having issue connecting git repo to cpanel. I have added SSH keys to cPanel from git correctly. Sometime repo are connecting and sometime i am getting following issue Error: “/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git” reported error code “128” when it ended: fatal: could not read Password for 'https://......@bitbucket.org': No such device or address

enter image description here

Thank you in advance

like image 643
Umesh Balayar Avatar asked Dec 27 '18 08:12

Umesh Balayar

People also ask

Does cPanel have Git?

Overview. The Git™ Version Control feature allows you to easily host Git repositories on your cPanel account. You can use Git to maintain any set of files (for example, a website's files and assets, a software development project, or simple text files).

1 Answers

I have added SSH keys to cPanel

Then you should use an SSH URL (git@server:user/repo), not an HTTPS one (which starts with https://...)

See "Guide to Git - Set Up Access to Private Repositories" from the CPanel Knowledge Base.

git clone git@example.com:MyStuff/private-repository.git

You can see here a typical BitBucket SSH URL:

# or

Note: the username for a BitBucket repo is always git.

like image 179
VonC Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
