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git plugin for Jenkins fails to clone a repo from local machine. Error code 128



Failed to connect to repository : Command "/usr/bin/git ls-remote -h file:///home/myuser/path/to/project HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: 'home/myuser/path/to/project' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I have tried the following:

  • chmod 777 to the repo folder(folder containing .git directory)
  • chowned to jenkins:jenkins on the repo folder
  • tried to clone into another folder from this local repo folder: this works!

When I run the above command: /usr/bin/git ls-remote -h file:///home/myuser/path/to/project HEAD on cmd I get the branches.

My questions are:

  1. why is git ls-remote -h ... command called when it should be git clone ...?
  2. How to configure jenkins git plugin to fetch code from local repo

My environment:

RHEL 5.9

Jenkins 1.519 installed as a service(no Web container)

Git plugin

like image 374
Vikram Avatar asked Jun 25 '13 21:06


People also ask

What is status code 128 in Jenkins?

The error that shows in this question indicates that Jenkins is trying to connect git-hub with the wrong ssh key. Log on to the Host machine of Jenkins and try to do clone but not on the Jenkins host. Try to ssh now, If it fails again then you need to add a proper key to /. ssh.

How can you clone a git repository via Jenkins?

Configuring Git with Jenkins Now open your project and go to configure. Step 2: Give the repository Url in Source Code Management, repository Url can be fetched by clicking on clone and download option of Github and you have to select the SSH Url. Also, add credentials there of Jenkins.

How do I clone a VST branch?

From the branches dropdown click on the branch you need. You can view the dropdown here: Then copy the Github URL (Copy from the address bar) and paste it in VS studio. That's it.

2 Answers

When installing Jenkins as a service, by default, Jenkins does not create a user directory as in: /home/jenkins. Jenkins default home directory is set to /var/lib/jenkins. From my work-around, as you would expect, jenkins has trouble accessing local resources from other users directory.

I moved my cloned repo under Jenkins default home directory i.e. under /var/lib/jenkins so my Repository URLin Jenkins Project configuration looks like: file:///${JENKINS_HOME}/repo/<myprojectname>

UPDATE: The above works fine ...but I found a better way to do it from this blog

The steps are outlined here:

look up /etc/init.d/jenkins script. There are a few $JENKINS variables defined . This should lead you to the sysconfig for jenkins i.e. /etc/sysconfig/jenkins. Stop your jenkins instance:

sudo /sbin/service jenkins stop

Take a backup

cp /etc/sysconfig/jenkins /etc/sysconfig/jenkins.bak

In this file, change the following property:

$JENKINS_USER="<your desired user>"

Change ownership of all related Jenkins directories:

chown -R <your desired user>:<your user group> /var/lib/jenkins

chown -R <your desired user>:<your user group> /var/cache/jenkins

chown -R <your desired user>:<your user group> /var/log/jenkins

Restart jenkins and that error should disappear

sudo /sbin/service jenkins start

This error should go away now!

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2 revs Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10

2 revs

It's been a while since this question was asked, but I had this problem today and there are very few resources. Most probably, because people tend to connect to git repositories remotely.

I checked using strace what exactly jenkins was doing and yes, it was a problem with permissions.

But I solved it in a simpler way than answer #2 - by adding jenkins to the git server group - in my case, git1: root# gpasswd -a jenkins git1 root# service jenkins restart

like image 34
Bulba Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10
