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Git merge one branch into two other branches

How can I merge one branch in to two other branches?

So here's our scenario: We use two branches master for production and UAT for testing purposes. All local development is made on a new branch made off of Master so before starting on something, we create a branch off of master, commit and push it to origin/master. For bigger projects we use UAT for testing purposes.

I have a branch which is ready to be tested and then pushed to production. How can I move that branch to UAT so people can test it and once tested move the same branch from my local machine or from UAT to Master?

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aspnetdeveloper Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 18:10


2 Answers

This is exactly what git is useful for! Start your development on a branch off of master, let's call it "Feature". Then when you're ready to test, commit your changes to your feature branch and do the following:

git checkout UAT
git merge Feature


git checkout master
git merge Feature
git push origin master

This will get your test code into both the UAT and master branches

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mwarsco Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


You can use git cherry-pick to add the branch to your UAT branch.

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DaveWeber Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
