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Git merge commits from a specific upstream release


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How do I merge upstream?

Inspect the unmerged commits and confirm that you want to merge them all. In a terminal window, navigate to the forked repository and set the upstream remote as the Cloud Foundry buildpack repository. Pull down the remote upstream changes. Merge the upstream changes into the intended branch.

How do you pull a specific commit from another branch?

The short answer is: you cannot pull a specific commit from a remote. However, you may fetch new data from the remote and then use git-checkout COMMIT_ID to view the code at the COMMIT_ID .

Scenario: I've forked a github project and begun working on it (after adding the original project as a remote called 'upstream'). While working on my fork, a number of releases are made to the upstream project: v1.3-stable, v1.4-stable, v1.5-experimental, etc. Now I need to merge in the upstream commits to my master branch, but ONLY up to a specific release, for example, release v1.4-stable. What's the best workflow for this scenario?