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Git: How to rebase to a specific commit?

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Can you rebase to a specific commit?

Rebase Any String of Commits to a Target Commit<Branch> is optional and all it does is checks out the branch specified before executing the rest of the command. If you've already checked out the branch you want to rebase, then you don't need this.

You can avoid using the --onto parameter by making a temp branch on the commit you like and then use rebase in its simple form:

git branch temp master^
git checkout topic
git rebase temp
git branch -d temp

You can even take a direct approach:

git checkout topic
git rebase <commitB>

Use the "onto" option:

git rebase --onto master^ D^ D

The comment by jsz above saved me tons of pain, so here's a step-by-step recipie based on it that I've been using to rebase/move any commit on top of any other commit:

  1. Find a previous branching point of the branch to be rebased (moved) - call it old parent. In the example above that's A
  2. Find commit on top of which you want to move the branch to - call it new parent. In the exampe that's B
  3. You need to be on your branch (the one you move):
  4. Apply your rebase: git rebase --onto <new parent> <old parent>

In the example above that's as simple as:

   git checkout topic
   git rebase --onto B A