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Git GUI for Windows' window is Missing and/or Invisible

The basic GUI that comes with the install of git: https://git-scm.com/download/win; was working fine in Windows 10 until one day I used it on desktop 3, and then I must have switched desktops and closed it or something because now when I launch the GUI it appears to open just fine but there's no active window on any desktop. The icon shows up on the task-bar and when I hover over it, it does show a perfectly fine preview of the running GUI, but when I click on it it doesn't go anywhere.

How can I get the window back?

like image 701
Gregor y Avatar asked Apr 15 '20 17:04

Gregor y

People also ask

How do I open a git gui?

Windows and Linux Users To run gitk, type gitk in your command line or terminal. To run git-gui, type git gui instead.

How do I clone a git repository using gui?

In order to clone a repository, click on the "Clone Existing Repository" link in the Git GUI window. An existing repository is one that is already initialized and/or has commits pushed to it. In the Source Location field, fill in the Git remote repository location.

2 Answers

So apparently the window does exist and no it's not invisible; it has just wandered off the screen.

There's a couple ways to solve this: You can simply, right-click the task bar and choose any of the options: Cascade windows, Show windows stacked, or Show windows side by side.

However I prefer not to have all my windows resized just to get at that lost sheep, and so I click on Git GUI's task-bar icon to make it active then press and release alt, then pres and release space-bar, then use the arrow keys to move it back on screen(to the right in my particular case).

(Yes right click task-bar+U uncascades, but then I found myself back where I started)

Update: January 22, 2021

So I was poking around in the git config and it looks like under the local settings there's an entry called gui.geometry. After playing with this value for a few minutes it looks like it has the following format:

(width)x(height)+(left)+(top) (split_modified) (split_staged)

where all of the tags above are in pixels, and yes negative values of (left) move it off screen.

So to reset the gui for that repo (and if you've got the git PowerShell stuff installed) you can: close the gui, go to the folder, open up a PowerShell prompt there, give the command:

git config gui.geometry '900x500+100+50 300 250'

then reopen the gui, which that should at least move it back on screen where you can drag it back to where you want it.

also if you just want to fix the left position you could see the current value with

git config gui.geometry

then just change the negative values you have for +100 or +50 to move it back on screen.

Update: April 20, 2021

End on a one-liner?

git config --get-all gui.recentrepo | %{try{pushd $_;$geo=git config gui.geometry;git config gui.geometry ($geo -replace'^(.*?)\+.*?(\s.*)$','$1+50+50$2');write-host "Updating repo: $_`n  Found Geo: $geo";popd}catch {write-warning "Skipped: $_"}}
like image 172
Gregor y Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Gregor y

  1. Click on Git GUI's task-bar icon to activate.
  2. Press and release Alt.
  3. Press and release Space-bar.
  4. Select "Move" option in the context menu.
  5. Press Left or Right keyboard's arrow keys to move invisible window back to screen.
like image 30
Artem Zh. Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Artem Zh.