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Git GPG signing fails without a clear message





If I set my Git to sign with my GPG key it fails. I've tried GIT_TRACE and it doesn't really give me any more info:

$ GIT_TRACE=1 git commit
15:29:35.112157 git.c:344               trace: built-in: git 'commit'
15:29:35.115745 run-command.c:626       trace: run_command: 'code --wait' '/Users/b/VurbAgency/haarlem.github.io/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG'
15:29:52.884006 run-command.c:626       trace: run_command: 'gpg' '--status-fd=2' '-bsau' 'SECRETKEYID'
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object

When I try to run 'gpg' '--status-fd=2' '-bsau' 'SECRETKEYID' it just hangs after saying BEGIN_SIGNING H8 and doesn't do anything anymore.

Any ideas on how to solve this or avenues as to research?

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Boris Avatar asked Sep 21 '18 13:09


1 Answers

I stumbled upon this when encountering the same error and I was already on the latest version of gpg (2.2.17). For me, it turned out to be multiple things.

  1. Before committing I had to run $ export GPG_TTY=$(tty). This then prompted the passphrase prompt to appear.
  2. If I used a passphrase with a special character it didn't work (the prompt said I had a bad passphrase when trying to use), so I had to only use alphanumeric characters.

And if you're doing this to get verified commits on GitHub ensure the name and email address match what you have on GitHub.

like image 128
Tim Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 02:10
