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git finding duplicate commits (by patch-id)

I'd like a recipe for finding duplicated changes. patch-id is likely to be the same but the commit attributes may not be.

This seems to be an intended use of patch-id:

git patch-id --help

IOW, you can use this thing to look for likely duplicate commits.

I imagine that stringing together "git log", "git patch-id" and uniq could do the job badly but if someone has an command that does the job well, I'd appreciate it.

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bsb Avatar asked Jul 23 '12 02:07


4 Answers

For looking for duplicates of a specific commit, this may work for you.

First, determine the patch id of the target commit:

f6ea51cd6acd30cd627ce1a56e2733c1777d5b52 7a3e67ce38dbef471889d9f706b9161da7dc5cf3

The first SHA is the patch-id. Next, list the patch ids for every commit and filter out any that match:

$ for c in $(git rev-list --all); do git show $c | git patch-id; done | grep 'f6ea51cd6acd30cd627ce1a56e2733c1777d5b52'
f6ea51cd6acd30cd627ce1a56e2733c1777d5b52 5028e2b5500bd5f4637531e337e17b73f5d0c0b1
f6ea51cd6acd30cd627ce1a56e2733c1777d5b52 7a3e67ce38dbef471889d9f706b9161da7dc5cf3
f6ea51cd6acd30cd627ce1a56e2733c1777d5b52 929c66b5783a0127a7689020d70d398f095b9e00

All together, with a few extra flags, and in the form of a utility script:

test ! -z "$1" && TARGET_COMMIT_SHA="$1" || TARGET_COMMIT_SHA="HEAD"

git show --patch-with-raw "$TARGET_COMMIT_SHA" |
    git patch-id |
    cut -d' ' -f1
for c in $(git rev-list --all); do
    git show --patch-with-raw "$c" |
        git patch-id
done |
    cut -d' ' -f2



$ git list-dupe-commits 7a3e67c

It isn't terribly speedy, but for most repos should get the job done (just measured 36 seconds for a repo with 826 commits and a 158MB .git dir on a 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo).

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Slipp D. Thompson Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Slipp D. Thompson

To search for duplicate commits of commit $hash, excluding merge commits:

git rev-list --no-merges --all | xargs -r git show | git patch-id \
    | grep ^$(git show $hash|git patch-id|cut -c1-40) | cut -c42-80 \
    | xargs -r git show -s --oneline

For searching the duplicate of a merge commit $mergehash, replace $(git show $hash|git patch-id|cut -c1-40) above by one of the two patch IDs (1st column) given by git diff-tree -m -p $mergehash | git patch-id. They correspond to the diffs of the merge commit with each of its two parents.

To find duplicates of all commits, excluding merge commits:

git rev-list --no-merges --all | xargs -r git show | git patch-id \
    | sort | uniq -w40 -D | cut -c42-80 \
    | xargs -r git log --no-walk --pretty=format:"%h %ad %an (%cn) %s" --date-order --date=iso

The search for duplicate commits can be extended or limited by changing the arguments to git rev-list, which accepts numerous options. For example, to limit the search to a specific branch specify its name instead of the option --all; or to search in the last 100 commits pass the arguments HEAD ^HEAD~100.

Note that these commands are fast since they use no shell loop, and batch-process commits.

To include merge commits, remove the option --no-merges, and replace xargs -r git show by xargs -r -L1 git diff-tree -m -p. This is much slower because git diff-tree is executed once per commit.


  • The first line generates a map of the patch IDs with the commit hashes (2-column data, of 40 characters each).

  • The second line only keeps commit hashes (2nd column) corresponding to the duplicate patch IDs (1st column).

  • The last line prints custom information about the duplicate commits.

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unagi Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10


Because the duplicate changes are likely to be not on the same branch (except when there are reverts in between them), you could use git cherry:

git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]

Where upstream would be the branch to check for duplicates of changes in head.

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robinst Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10


I have a draft that works on a toy repo, but as it keeps the patch->commit map in memory it might have problems on large repos:

# print commit pairs with the same patch-id
for c in $(git rev-list HEAD); do \
    git show $c | git patch-id; done \
| perl -anle '($p,$c)=@F;print "$c $s{$p}" if $s{$p};$s{$p}=$c'

The output should be pairs of commits with the same patch-id (3 duplicates A B C come out as "A B" then "B C").

Change the git rev-list command to restrict the commits checked:

git log --format=%H HEAD somefile

Append "| xargs git show" to view the commits in detail, or "| xargs git show -s --oneline" for a summary:

0569473 add 6-8
5e56314 add 6-8 again
bece3c3 comment
e037ed6 add comment again

It turns out patch-id didn't work in my original case as there were additional changes in that later commit. "git log -S" was more useful.

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bsb Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10
