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Git credential helper doesn't work

I've just installed openSUSE, which came with Git version

I'm trying to push some repository after having configured the credential helper with this line:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'

This line doesn't throw any errors.

However, after I enter my credentials initially, and expect to get them cached, the credential helper does not work. It spits out this message:

error: cannot run git-credential-cache--daemon: No such file or directory  
fatal: unable to start cache daemon: No such file or directory

Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

like image 940
corazza Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 01:12


1 Answers

You need to install the git-daemon rpm. That RPM has the cache daemon.

like image 157
John Szakmeister Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 05:01

John Szakmeister