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Git Checkout from Repote Repo inside a VPN [closed]

We currently use Enterprise GitHub within a VPN and I was wondering if it was possible to connect our VSTS (checkout step) to checkout from our GitHub instance. Just like Azure can we setup a VPN connection to our network or is this not possible?

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mitchellmaler Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 13:11


1 Answers

VSTS does not support GIT inside a private network. It supported VSTS GIT and other major cloud and internet-based GIT providers, such as GitHub or BitBucket.

All of these are only accessible through internet, but that doesn't mean these are public repos. E.g. you could create a private repo in GitHub, which is only available to you. You still have to access it through the internet, but other people wouldn't have your credentials and will not be able to access your private repo.

If you are using Enterprise GitHub, instead of VSTS, you have to use TFS. Team Foundation Server is the on-premises based version of VSTS. Developer's and users and have exactly the same experience with TFS as VSTS. The difference between TFS and VSTS is that, VSTS is hosted, maintained, patched and updated by Microsoft, but you are responsible to host your own TFS. You could either install your TFS on your on-premises server, or you could even install and host it on your public cloud of choice, such as AWS or Azure.

Addendum (courtesy of jessehouwing): As a workaround you could create a private agent for VSTS and write a custom script to pull from that repo. (see comments below)

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Sepehr Samiei Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Sepehr Samiei