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Git and SHA-256




Does the current version of git (2.30.0) already use SHA256 to calculate commit hashes by default? If not, how can SHA-256 be enabled for a new git repository and how can be checked whether a certain git repository uses SHA-256 or SHA-1 for its commit hashes?

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matthias_buehlmann Avatar asked Jan 24 '21 12:01


People also ask

Does Git use SHA-256?

Requiring no action by any other party. A SHA-256 repository can communicate with SHA-1 Git servers (push/fetch). Users can use SHA-1 and SHA-256 identifiers for objects interchangeably (see "Object names on the command line", below).

What is SHA for Git?

As is well-known, Git has been using SHA-1 to calculate a hash for each commit: For example, files, directories, and revisions are referred to by hash values unlike in other traditional version control systems where files or versions are referred to via sequential numbers.

What type of hash does Git use?

Git uses SHA-1-generated hashes to identify revisions and protect code against corruption.

Why does Git use a cryptographic hash function?

It is essentially possible to create two GIT repositories with the same head commit hash and different contents, say a benign source code and a backdoored one. An attacker could potentially selectively serve either repository to targeted users.

2 Answers

Whether to use SHA-1 or SHA-256 is a per-repository setting in recent versions of Git. The plan is eventually to make it possible to store data in a repository in SHA-256 and access the objects with either the SHA-1 name or the SHA-256 name. SHA-1 remains the default.

Do note that the SHA-256 mode is experimental and could theoretically change but there are no plans to do so. The Git developers are making every effort to not break compatibility with existing SHA-256 repositories.

To create a new repository with SHA-256, use the --object-format option to git init. If you want to know which algorithm a local repository uses, run git rev-parse --show-object-format, which will output either sha1 or sha256. To see the hash of a remote repository, you can use git ls-remote and verify the length of the hashes printed.

Do note that no major forges support SHA-256 and therefore such repositories cannot be uploaded to them.

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bk2204 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


According to the man page for git-init for version 2.30.0, the sha-256 support is still considered experimental:


    Specify the given object format (hash algorithm) for the
    repository. The valid values are sha1 and (if enabled) sha256.
    sha1 is the default.

    THIS OPTION IS EXPERIMENTAL! SHA-256 support is experimental and
    still in an early stage. A SHA-256 repository will in general not
    be able to share work with "regular" SHA-1 repositories. It should
    be assumed that, e.g., Git internal file formats in relation to
    SHA-256 repositories may change in backwards-incompatible ways.
    Only use --object-format=sha256 for testing purposes.
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larsks Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
