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ggplot: Generate facet grid plot with multiple series

I have following data frame:

  Quarter        x        y         p         q
1  2001   8.714392 8.714621 3.3648435 3.3140090
2  2002   8.671171 8.671064 0.9282508 0.9034387
3  2003   8.688478 8.697413 6.2295996 8.4379698
4  2004   8.685339 8.686349 3.7520135 3.5278024

My goal is to generate a facet plot where x and y column in one plot in the facet and p,q together in another plot instead of 4 facets.

If I do following:

x.df.melt <- melt(x.df[,c('Quarter','x','y','p','q')],id.vars=1)
ggplot(x.df.melt, aes(Quarter, value, col=variable, group=1)) + geom_line()+
  facet_grid(variable~., scale='free_y') +

I all the four series in 4 different facets but how do I combine x,y to be one while p,q to be in another together. Preferable no legends.

enter image description here

like image 769
add-semi-colons Avatar asked May 04 '16 10:05


2 Answers

One idea would be to create a new grouping variable:

x.df.melt$var <- ifelse(x.df.melt$variable == "x" | x.df.melt$variable == "y", "A", "B")

You can use it for facetting while using variable for grouping:

ggplot(x.df.melt, aes(Quarter, value, col=variable, group=variable)) + geom_line()+
  facet_grid(var~., scale='free_y') +
  scale_color_discrete(breaks=c('x','y','p','q'), guide = F)

enter image description here

like image 188
erc Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09


I think beetroot's answer above is more elegant but I was working on the same problem and arrived at the same place a different way. I think it is interesting because I used a "double melt" (yum!) to line up the x,y/p,q pairs. Also, it demonstrates tidyr::gather instead of melt.

x.df<- data.frame(Year=2001:2004,

x.df.melt<-gather(x.df,"item","item_val",-Year,-p,-q) %>% 
  group_by(item,Year) %>% 
  gather("comparison","comp_val",-Year,-item,-item_val) %>% 
  filter((item=="x" & comparison=="p")|(item=="y" & comparison=="q"))

> x.df.melt
# A tibble: 8 x 5
# Groups:   item, Year [8]
   Year  item item_val comparison comp_val
  <int> <chr>    <dbl>      <chr>    <dbl>
1  2001     x 8.400538          p 5.540549
2  2002     x 8.169680          p 5.750010
3  2003     x 8.065042          p 8.821890
4  2004     x 8.311194          p 7.714197
5  2001     y 8.449290          q 5.471225
6  2002     y 8.266304          q 7.014389
7  2003     y 8.146879          q 7.298253
8  2004     y 8.960238          q 5.342702

See below for the plotting statement.

One weakness of this approach (and beetroot's use of ifelse) is the filter statement quickly becomes unwieldy if you have a lot of pairs to compare. In my use case I was comparing mutual fund performances to a number of benchmark indices. Each fund has a different benchmark. I solved this by with a table of meta data that pairs the fund tickers with their respective benchmarks, then use left/right_join. In this case:

#create meta data

#create comparison name for each item name
x.df.melt2<-x.df %>% gather("item","item_val",-Year) %>% 

#join comparison data alongside item data
x.df.melt2<-x.df.melt2 %>% 
  select(Year,item,item_val) %>% 
  rename(comparison=item,comp_val=item_val) %>%
  right_join(x.df.melt2,by=c("Year","comparison")) %>% 
  na.omit() %>% 

  guides(col = guide_legend(title = NULL))+

enter image description here

Since there is no need for an new grouping variable we preserve the names of the reference items as labels for the facet plot.

like image 28
Art Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
