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getUserMedia() permission denied




I am trying to test out screen sharing using getUserMedia(). I have Chrome version 28 and the getUserMedia() screen capturing flag enabled, yet I still get permission denied errors.

On this screen capture demo, I get the following error:

getUserMedia error: NavigatorUserMediaError {code: 1, PERMISSION_DENIED: 1}

While, on this screen capture demo, I get the following demo:


I never got any prompts about sharing when visiting the sites. Why does my browser deny permission to screen share?

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egidra Avatar asked Jul 10 '13 18:07


3 Answers

I had the same permission denied problem.
I solved it simply clicking in

Chrome video icon disabled video

And enabling the "Ask me to enable video..." option

Reload page and it will ask again if you want to load the webcam.
That worked for me.

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Tomás Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10


For screen capture with getUserMedia, you need to use HTTPS. (Apologies if you followed a link of mine which didn't have that!)

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Sam Dutton Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10

Sam Dutton

The second demo you mentioned (this one) works for me on Chrome 28.

It sounds like you enabled the flag, but make sure the one called Enable screen capture support in getUserMedia() is enabled in chrome://flags (and that you have restarted Chrome since enabling that).

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tomtheengineer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10
