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Getting warning while uploading application on Apple app store [closed]

I am new to this technology.

I am getting following warning while uploading application from Application Loaded.

Warning says "The app references non-public selectors in "App Name" instance, viewController"

Please help me solve this warning.

Thanks in advance!


Image :-

enter image description here


Will my application get approve?

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P.J Avatar asked Dec 01 '12 06:12


People also ask

What happens when an app is taken off the App Store?

If you downloaded the app on your iOS device, you may still be able to install it. Since the app has been removed from the store, you won't be able to re-download it, though. If you delete the app, it's gone forever—unless you have a friend with the app or you backed it up with an older version of iTunes.

Why do apps get rejected App Store?

According to Apple, the most common reason for rejection, accounting for 14%, was “more information needed”. This occurs when an app is submitted to the App Store for review and the developer does not provide enough information or materials for the app to be tested by the App Store review team.

Can you still use an app that has been removed from the App Store?

Yes. Your app will remain fully functional for current users. They won't experience interruption to services and will still be able to buy in-app purchases.

1 Answers

Use App Scanner. It analyzes your .app file for private API method usage.

It will catch methods that have been named the same as a private API method, even if it has it's own implementation. Also, it'll catch @selectors inside methods (just like the official iOS automated checker).

App Scanner doesn't catch the case when performSelector: is called with a selector that is a private method. However, Apple's tools do catch that case.

Another Alternative APP Kit, though I haven't used it. Give it a try.

Check out this Q&A, if you haven't. How does Apple know you are using private API?. Looks Helpful.

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Pranav Jaiswal Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 10:11

Pranav Jaiswal