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Getting the values of action parameters within an action filter

I have an action that I am POSTing to from jquery:

[HttpPost] public void UpdateGroupName(int groupId, string name) {     authorisationRepository.UpdateGroupName(groupId, name); } 

This works fine with the groupId and name. I have a few other group actions so I would like to use an authorisation attribute to make sure the person performing the change has permission to make the change.

I already have an AuthorizationAttribute that retrieves the groupId successfully on GET requests by accessing filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Params["groupId"] but when it comes to POSTs it doesn't work. The Request.Form is empty and so is Request.Params.

Here's the code I have in my authorisation attribute:

public int groupId { get; set; }  protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) {     username = httpContext.User.Identity.Name.Split('\\').Last();      // awesome permissions checking goes here...      return authorized;  }  public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) {     groupId = int.Parse(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Params["groupId"]); // this line throws an exception     base.OnAuthorization(filterContext); } 

I have looked at this answer but my Form property is empty :(

Updated to show jquery post:

var serverComm = {     post: function (url, data) {         return $.ajax({             url: url,             type: 'POST',             contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',             data: JSON.stringify(data)         });     },     get: function (url, data) {         return $.ajax({             url: url,             type: 'GET',             cache: false,             contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',             data: data         });     } }; // some awesome code later... serverComm.post(editGroupNameUrl, { groupId: group.id, name: newName }) 
like image 333
soniiic Avatar asked Mar 01 '12 15:03


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2 Answers

The reason your code doesn't work is because you are sending your request as a JSON string. So there are no request parameters in the POST body and you cannot fetch them in the Request.Params.

So instead of:




This will query the value provider (in your case the JsonValueProvider) to obtain the corresponding value send by the client.

like image 94
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11

Darin Dimitrov

Try without the stringify. I guess MVC is understanding another way of binding besides the request parameter -> action parameter. I guess it's understanding the json posted. JQuery, if you pass just the data object (without stringify) will post each field as a request parameter (at least, I think so). It's easy to try :)

like image 39
Ivo Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11
