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Getting the type of an array of T, without specifying T - Type.GetType("T[]")

I am trying to create a type that refers to an array of a generic type, without specifying the generic type. That is, I would like to do the equivalent of Type.GetType("T[]").

I already know how to do this with a non-array type. E.g.

// or

Here's some sample code that reproduces the problem.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void SomeFunc<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection) { }

    public static void SomeArrayFunc<T>(T[] collection) { }

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Action<Type> printType = t => Console.WriteLine(t != null ? t.ToString() : "(null)");
        Action<string> printFirstParameterType = methodName =>


        var iEnumerableT = Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1");

        var iEnumerableTFromTypeof = typeof(IEnumerable<>);

        var arrayOfT = Type.GetType("T[]");
        printType(arrayOfT); // Prints "(null)"

        // ... not even sure where to start for typeof(T[])

The output is:


I'd like to correct that last "(null)".

This will be used to get an overload of a function via reflections by specifying the method signature:

var someMethod = someType.GetMethod("MethodName", new[] { typeOfArrayOfT });
// ... call someMethod.MakeGenericMethod some time later

I've already gotten my code mostly working by filtering the result of GetMethods(), so this is more of an exercise in knowledge and understanding.

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Merlyn Morgan-Graham Avatar asked Jan 12 '11 23:01

Merlyn Morgan-Graham

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2 Answers


var arrayOfT = typeof(IEnumerable<>).GetGenericArguments()[0].MakeArrayType();
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Enigmativity Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09


How about this?

Type MakeArrayType(Type elementType, int rank)
    return elementType.MakeArrayType(rank);


var x = MakeArrayType(typeof(string), 1); // x == typeof(string[])
var y = MakeArrayType(typeof(float), 4);  // y == typeof(float[,,,])


As Jonathan Dickinson points out, elementType.MakeArrayType(1) doesn't return the same type as elementType.MakeArrayType(). I won't modify the original code sample since anyway it doesn't answer the question.

The difference between Type.MakeArrayType(1) and Type.MakeArrayType() is that the latter returns a vector type -- which is necessarily 1-dimensional and zero-based -- while the former returns a multidimensional array type that happens to have rank 1. Instances of the returned type are not necessarily zero-based.

The vector type is indicated with a pair of square brackets (for example, System.Int32[]) while the rank-1 array type is indicated with a pair of square brackets containing an asterisk (for example, System.Int32[*]).

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phoog Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
