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Getting the result of a Lambda in java

I was wondering how to refer to the result of a lambda in Java? This is so I can store the results into an ArrayList, and then use that for whatever in the future.

The lambda I have is:

try {
    Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get("."),path -> path.toString().endsWith(".txt"))
} catch (IOException e) {

and inside the .forEach() I want to be able to assign each file name to the array in turn, for example, .forEach(MyArrayList.add(this))

Thanks for any help in advance!

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AristotleTheAxolotl Avatar asked Oct 02 '18 13:10


2 Answers

Use :

List<String> myPaths = new ArrayList<>();
Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get("."), path -> path.toString().endsWith(".txt"))
     .forEach(e -> myPaths.add(e.toString()));

Edit :

We can achieve the same in one line using :

List<String> myPaths = Files.list(Paths.get("."))
                            .filter(p -> p.toString().endsWith(".txt"))
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Nicholas Kurian Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11

Nicholas Kurian

You can achieve that by collecting the result of the newDirectoryStream operation :

  1. You can add the elements in a list as you iterate it but that's not the better way :

    List<Path> listA = new ArrayList<>();
    Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get(""), path -> path.toString().endsWith(".txt"))
  2. You may use another method like find which returns a Stream<Path> that would be easier to use and collect the elements in a list :

    List<Path> listB = Files.find(Paths.get(""), 1,(p, b) -> p.toString().endsWith(".txt"))
  3. Or Files.list()

    List<Path> listC = Files.list(Paths.get("")).filter(p -> p.toString().endsWith(".txt"))
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azro Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11
