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Getting the name of the current Windows user returning "IIS APPPOOL/Sitename"




I can't figure this out for the life of me. I'm trying to get the name of the current user logged onto Windows using the following line:

string user = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.ToString();

When I run this line after publishing and opening it through IIS, it gives me a name of "IIS APPPOOL/SiteName". However, when I run this through the Visual Studio 2013 debugger, the correct name appears.

like image 505
LOL. NO. Avatar asked May 13 '15 22:05


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1 Answers

I've fiddled around with the config, IIS settings, and the string...but I think this line is what I needed to use:

string user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

Seems to be returning a domain/username which I can use instead. Looks like an alternative solution.

like image 86
LOL. NO. Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10