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Getting the most out of Resharper - good tutorials/screencasts [closed]



I've just installed Resharper, and I really don't know how to use it "correctly". I noticed that there are some demos and documents at their website, but I'm wondering..

..how did you learn to use it efficiently? Are there any other good resources(demos/tutorials)?

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l3dx Avatar asked Feb 05 '09 12:02


People also ask

How do I optimize ReSharper?

Open Visual Studio options (Tools | Options) and configure the preferences as follows: Environment | General: disable Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance, disable Enable rich client visual experience, enable Use hardware graphics acceleration if available.

1 Answers

There is a series of screencasts on the Dime Casts website which are quite good as an introduction.

There is also the 31 days of Resharper and the official demos give you an idea of what's possible so you know to dive into the menu.

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Garry Shutler Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 07:11

Garry Shutler