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Getting the maximum key value pair in a Scala map by value

I am trying to pull the maximum value form a map along with its key. For example:

val map = Map('a' -> 100, 'b' -> 23, ... 'z' -> 56)

Where 100 is the largest value, how would I go about pulling ('a',100)? I essentially want to use Map.max but search by value rather than key.

like image 657
pmaurais Avatar asked Sep 26 '16 22:09


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2 Answers

You can use maxBy with a function from the key-value pair to just the value:

val map = Map('a' -> 100, 'b' -> 23, 'z' -> 56)

map.maxBy(_._2)  // (a,100)

This is a short form for

map.maxBy { case (key, value) => value }
like image 160
0__ Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


A slight modification in case the max value you are looking for is present more than once in the map:

// Find the entries with the max value in the map
val maxValue = map.maxBy(item => item._2)

// Filter the map and retain the entries with the max value
map.filter(item => item._2 == maxValue._2)
like image 36
Victor Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
