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Getting the GPU connection type in Windows XP?





I need to detect in code (C++) how the graphics card is connected to the monitor/s, i.e. vga or dvi etc.

I found two ways that I could do this:

  • by querying the Windows Management Instrumentation for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY or
  • using the nVidia API function NvAPI_DISP_GetMonitorCapabilities,

but both of these are only supported in Windows Vista or higher.

There must surely be a way of doing this in XP, but after much searching I just can't find one and it's becoming quite urgent that I find a way.

Any ideas?

like image 656
Bill Walton Avatar asked Apr 15 '12 11:04

Bill Walton

Video Answer

1 Answers

Possibly you can use EnumDisplayDevices (link to MSDN) and parse some informations as described here. It's basically about matching physical displays with logical ones.

like image 191
Sebastian Dressler Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 16:10

Sebastian Dressler