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Getting the current url on the client side in next.js

So I am working on a nodejs app which I will have my new website on and I want to make a way for my user on the clientside to display different things, re-renderd depending on what the user is pressing on. My idea is that for example firstly the user would see "Please select a tool first" and then the user will select a tool in the navbar which then the page will be re-renderd and display the tool selected inside a jumbotron with the url being changed for example then /admin/[ToolSelected].

The only thing is tho that I do not know how to achieve this. I was thinking that the client side code could detect what the url is and is placed as a page variable then the tool will displayed with a IF statement depending on what the page variable is.

Would my theory work or how can a achieve this in an efficient way?

Here is my main page code:

// Including Navbar and css
import AdminLayout from '../comps/admin/adminLayout'

// the so called "tools" more will exist in the future
import Passform from '../comps/admin/tools/passform'

// Fetching the current url the user is on
var page = CURRENT_URL;

const jumbotron = {
  background: 'white'

const Admin = (page) => (


  <style global jsx>
    `body {
      background: #eff0f3;
    <div className="jumbotron" style={jumbotron}>

    {(page == "passform") ? (
    ) : (
      <h3>Something is wrong :/ . {page}</h3>


export default Admin
like image 956
Linus J Avatar asked Feb 23 '19 20:02

Linus J

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1 Answers

You can wrap your component with withRouter HOC, that will inject the router object, that has current pathname.

import { withRouter } from 'next/router';

const Admin = ({ router }) => (
    <style global jsx>
        body {
          background: #eff0f3;
    <div className="jumbotron" style={jumbotron}>
      {router.pathname == 'passform' ? <Passform /> : <h3>Something is wrong :/ . {page}</h3>}

export default withRouter(Admin);


If you prefer hooks you can use useRouter hook.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const Admin = () => {
const router = useRouter();

return (
    <style global jsx>
        body {
          background: #eff0f3;
    <div className="jumbotron" style={jumbotron}>
      {router.pathname == 'passform' ? <Passform /> : <h3>Something is wrong :/ . {page}</h3>}

export default Admin;
like image 57
felixmosh Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
