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Getting the ClaimsPrincipal in a logic layer in an aspnet core 1 application




I'm writing an aspnet core 1 application. Using a bearer token authentication I have the User property inside the controller with the correct identity. However I cant seem to find a way to grab with identity as I did before using the ClaimPrincipal.Current static. What is the current best practice to get this data inside the BL layers with out passing the ClaimPrincipal object around?

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Eugene Krapivin Avatar asked Jul 10 '16 11:07

Eugene Krapivin

1 Answers

Further investigating this issue I've found that it is possible to use the native DI container to inject the ClaimsPrincipal where needed like that:

services.AddTransient<ClaimsPrincipal>(s =>     s.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext.User); 

This feels kind of weird injecting it, however it is better than storing it in the CallContext.

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Eugene Krapivin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Eugene Krapivin