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Getting telephone US local area code with Android

I would like to know how can i get the device/user area code from within my android app I know there is a lib named TelephonyManager but i couldn't find the country code feature

To make myself clear: I have an activity which asks the user to enter his phone number and i want the area code to be taken from the device (from his carrier?) If i would open my app in new york i would get +212 as the code and a text box to enter my own number

like image 971
IB. Avatar asked Mar 23 '11 07:03


People also ask

How can I get local country code in Android?

setText(locale. getLanguage()); Here you use locale. getLanguage() to get the Android Locale country code of the language that is currently being used in your Android device.

How do I change the country code on my Android phone?

Click on the cogwheel icon, then on “See all settings”. In the General tab of the settings, the second section “Phone numbers” allows you to select a default country code. Select the country whose code you want to be used from the drop-down box, then scroll to the bottom of the page, and click “Save Changes”.

Can you choose the area code for your phone?

No. The area code, just like the physical location of your business, is entirely up to you. The two can be in entirely separate time zones. Some of the more popular area codes to choose from include 202, 213, 267, 281, 302, 310, 330, 347, 404, 425, 510, 512, 630, 646, 703, 732, 805, 817, 818, 916, 925 and 946.

Why do I have to add area code to contacts?

Because the affected states have local exchanges that use 988, the area code requirement is being turned on to ensure the phone system distinguishes between calls to a 988 local exchange and calls to the Lifeline.

1 Answers

1- Add This Array to Strings.xml File

<string-array name="CountryCodes" > <item>93,AF</item> <item>355,AL</item> <item>213,DZ</item> <item>376,AD</item> <item>244,AO</item> <item>672,AQ</item> <item>54,AR</item> <item>374,AM</item> <item>297,AW</item> <item>61,AU</item> <item>43,AT</item> <item>994,AZ</item> <item>973,BH</item> <item>880,BD</item> <item>375,BY</item> <item>32,BE</item> <item>501,BZ</item> <item>229,BJ</item> <item>975,BT</item> <item>591,BO</item> <item>387,BA</item> <item>267,BW</item> <item>55,BR</item> <item>673,BN</item> <item>359,BG</item> <item>226,BF</item> <item>95,MM</item> <item>257,BI</item> <item>855,KH</item> <item>237,CM</item> <item>1,CA</item> <item>238,CV</item> <item>236,CF</item> <item>235,TD</item> <item>56,CL</item> <item>86,CN</item> <item>61,CX</item> <item>61,CC</item> <item>57,CO</item> <item>269,KM</item> <item>242,CG</item> <item>243,CD</item> <item>682,CK</item> <item>506,CR</item> <item>385,HR</item> <item>53,CU</item> <item>357,CY</item> <item>420,CZ</item> <item>45,DK</item> <item>253,DJ</item> <item>670,TL</item> <item>593,EC</item> <item>20,EG</item> <item>503,SV</item> <item>240,GQ</item> <item>291,ER</item> <item>372,EE</item> <item>251,ET</item> <item>500,FK</item> <item>298,FO</item> <item>679,FJ</item> <item>358,FI</item> <item>33,FR</item> <item>689,PF</item> <item>241,GA</item> <item>220,GM</item> <item>995,GE</item> <item>49,DE</item> <item>233,GH</item> <item>350,GI</item> <item>30,GR</item> <item>299,GL</item> <item>502,GT</item> <item>224,GN</item> <item>245,GW</item> <item>592,GY</item> <item>509,HT</item> <item>504,HN</item> <item>852,HK</item> <item>36,HU</item> <item>91,IN</item> <item>62,ID</item> <item>98,IR</item> <item>964,IQ</item> <item>353,IE</item> <item>44,IM</item> <item>972,IL</item> <item>39,IT</item> <item>225,CI</item> <item>81,JP</item> <item>962,JO</item> <item>7,KZ</item> <item>254,KE</item> <item>686,KI</item> <item>965,KW</item> <item>996,KG</item> <item>856,LA</item> <item>371,LV</item> <item>961,LB</item> <item>266,LS</item> <item>231,LR</item> <item>218,LY</item> <item>423,LI</item> <item>370,LT</item> <item>352,LU</item> <item>853,MO</item> <item>389,MK</item> <item>261,MG</item> <item>265,MW</item> <item>60,MY</item> <item>960,MV</item> <item>223,ML</item> <item>356,MT</item> <item>692,MH</item> <item>222,MR</item> <item>230,MU</item> <item>262,YT</item> <item>52,MX</item> <item>691,FM</item> <item>373,MD</item> <item>377,MC</item> <item>976,MN</item> <item>382,ME</item> <item>212,MA</item> <item>258,MZ</item> <item>264,NA</item> <item>674,NR</item> <item>977,NP</item> <item>31,NL</item> <item>599,AN</item> <item>687,NC</item> <item>64,NZ</item> <item>505,NI</item> <item>227,NE</item> <item>234,NG</item> <item>683,NU</item> <item>850,KP</item> <item>47,NO</item> <item>968,OM</item> <item>92,PK</item> <item>680,PW</item> <item>507,PA</item> <item>675,PG</item> <item>595,PY</item> <item>51,PE</item> <item>63,PH</item> <item>870,PN</item> <item>48,PL</item> <item>351,PT</item> <item>1,PR</item> <item>974,QA</item> <item>40,RO</item> <item>7,RU</item> <item>250,RW</item> <item>590,BL</item> <item>685,WS</item> <item>378,SM</item> <item>239,ST</item> <item>966,SA</item> <item>221,SN</item> <item>381,RS</item> <item>248,SC</item> <item>232,SL</item> <item>65,SG</item> <item>421,SK</item> <item>386,SI</item> <item>677,SB</item> <item>252,SO</item> <item>27,ZA</item> <item>82,KR</item> <item>34,ES</item> <item>94,LK</item> <item>290,SH</item> <item>508,PM</item> <item>249,SD</item> <item>597,SR</item> <item>268,SZ</item> <item>46,SE</item> <item>41,CH</item> <item>963,SY</item> <item>886,TW</item> <item>992,TJ</item> <item>255,TZ</item> <item>66,TH</item> <item>228,TG</item> <item>690,TK</item> <item>676,TO</item> <item>216,TN</item> <item>90,TR</item> <item>993,TM</item> <item>688,TV</item> <item>971,AE</item> <item>256,UG</item> <item>44,GB</item> <item>380,UA</item> <item>598,UY</item> <item>1,US</item> <item>998,UZ</item> <item>678,VU</item> <item>39,VA</item> <item>58,VE</item> <item>84,VN</item> <item>681,WF</item> <item>967,YE</item> <item>260,ZM</item> <item>263,ZW</item> </string-array> 

2-CopyThis Function To your Class

public String GetCountryZipCode(){     String CountryID="";     String CountryZipCode="";      TelephonyManager manager = (TelephonyManager) this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);     //getNetworkCountryIso     CountryID= manager.getSimCountryIso().toUpperCase();     String[] rl=this.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.CountryCodes);     for(int i=0;i<rl.length;i++){         String[] g=rl[i].split(",");         if(g[1].trim().equals(CountryID.trim())){             CountryZipCode=g[0];             break;           }     }     return CountryZipCode; } 

3-Call Function GetCountryZipCode()

4-write Thank you Wais.

like image 86
Wais Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10
