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Getting started with Windows Azure





I'm going to sound like a complete newbie here but here goes...

I've just signed up for a Windows Azure account and was hoping to get a simple hello world aspx page up and running in a browser to see how it all works but I can't seem to find a simple guide to getting a very simple web application running.

I've got as far as setting up a "service" and going onto the "deploy" page but it's asking me upload an "application package".

I've looked on MSDN but there aren't any simple guides, just reams of documentation talking about "roles" and "development fabric". For somebody that is proficient in HTML/CSS and knows a little abit about asp.net it may just as well be in another language.

So, does anybody know how to upload a simple aspx page and then access it in a browser?


like image 959
jonhobbs Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 03:12


1 Answers

Make sure you're careful with your app as well. Leaving a simple HelloWorld app running 24/7 for 1 month could cost you approx $85 in fees.

($0.12/hr x 24hr x 30days = $86.40)


like image 118
Andrew Lewis Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 15:12

Andrew Lewis