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Getting started with Newspeak



What are the good resources for Newspeak programming language?

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Chandra Patni Avatar asked Jan 03 '10 09:01

Chandra Patni

People also ask

What is Newspeak example?

Newspeak: a purposefully ambiguous and confusing language with restricted grammar and limited vocabulary used in Oceania, according or Orwell, “to diminish the range of thought.” For example, in newspeak, the term plusgood had replaced words better and great.

What technique is Newspeak?

newspeak, propagandistic language that is characterized by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings. The term was coined by George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-four (1949).

How does the party use Newspeak?

The language Newspeak allows the Party to control how its citizens think and talk. The telescreens allow the Party to maintain surveillance on its citizens at all times, forcing citizens to censor their words and even facial expressions.

What is the point of Newspeak in 1984?

The idea behind Newspeak is that, as language must become less expressive, the mind is more easily controlled. Through his creation and explanation of Newspeak, Orwell warns the reader that a government that creates the language and mandates how it is used can control the minds of its citizens.

1 Answers

You probably know this place, but if not, make sure to follow Gilad Bracha's blog, http://gbracha.blogspot.com/

I'd suggest to read this, even if you're not interested in Newspeak. This guy rocks.

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zedoo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
