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Getting rid of #ifndef NDEBUG

Most of my classes have debug variables, and this makes them often look like this:

class A
    // stuff
#ifndef NDEBUG
    int check = 0;

and methods might look like this:

for (/* big loop */) {
    // code
#ifndef NDEBUG
    check += x;

assert(check == 100);

Few things are uglier than all those #ifndef NDEBUG's. Unfortunately no compiler I know can optimize the check variable away without these #ifndefs (I don't know if that's even allowed).

So I've tried to come up with a solution that would make my life easier. Here's how it looks now:

#ifndef NDEBUG

#define DEBUG_VAR(T) T


template <typename T>
struct nullclass {
    inline void operator+=(const T&) const {}
    inline const nullclass<T>& operator+(const T&) const { return *this; }
    // more no-op operators...

#define DEBUG_VAR(T) nullclass<T>


So in debug mode, DEBUG_VAR(T) just makes a T. Otherwise it makes a "null class" with only no-ops. And my code would look like this:

class A {
   // stuff
   DEBUG_VAR(int) check;

Then I could just use check as if it were a normal variable! Awesome! However, there are still 2 problems that I cannot get solved:

1. It only works with int, float, etc.

The "null class" doesn't have push_back() etc. No biggie. Most debug variables are ints anyway.

2. The "null class" is 1 char wide!!

Every class in C++ is at least 1 char wide. So even in release mode, a class that uses N debug vars will be at least N chars too big. This is in my eyes just unacceptable. It's against the zero-overhead principle which I aim for as much as I can.

So, how do I fix this second problem? Is it even possible to get rid of the #ifndef NDEBUG's without hurting performance in non-debug mode? I accept any good solution, even if it's your darkest C++ wizardry or C++0x.

like image 261
Migi Avatar asked Feb 16 '11 13:02


People also ask

Is it get rid off or of?

Also, be rid of. Eliminate, discard, or free oneself from. For example, It's time we got rid of these old newspapers, or He kept calling for months, but now we're finally rid of him.

What is to get rid of something?

To get rid of something is to throw it away or otherwise dispose of it. You may need to get rid of the garbage stinking up your kitchen, or you may need to get rid of your annoying neighbor during your backyard BBQ.

Is get rid of formal?

Dispose is a fairly formal word. In conversation and in less formal writing, you usually say that someone gets rid of something. Now let's get rid of all this stuff. There was a lot of rubbish to be got rid of.

2 Answers

How about:

#ifndef NDEBUG
#define DEBUG_VAR(T) static nullclass<T>

Now no additional storage is added to a class where DEBUG_VAR(T) is used as a member, but the declared identifier can still be used as though it were a member.

like image 111
aschepler Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10


You can not fix the 2nd problem, as the c++ standard requires the sizeof of a class or an object to be at least one byte.

The simplest solution would be not to introduce such hacks, and to properly unit test your code.

like image 43
BЈовић Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10
