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Getting resources of another Application


People also ask

How do I get data from another app?

There are three ways your app can receive data sent by another app: An Activity with a matching intent-filter tag in the manifest. One or more ChooserTarget objects returned by your ChooserTargetService.

Can one app access another app?

If both AppA and AppB declare the same sharedUserId value in their manifest (android:sharedUserId="xyz") AND both AppA and AppB are signed with the same signature, then Android will consider them to be the same app as far as permissions go. So, AppB could exist on the device without permission "perm1" for example.

What is an application resource?

Resources are the additional files and static content that your code uses, such as bitmaps, layout definitions, user interface strings, animation instructions, and more. You should always externalize app resources such as images and strings from your code, so that you can maintain them independently.

How can I transfer data from one app to another in Android?

In android using implicit intent, we can send data with other applications using ACTION_SEND action. We have to call Intent. createChooser() to open default chooser of android mobile to send the data. it may same or different in Android mobiles.

Assume I've got 2 Application A and B.

I want to access resources (drawables, images, strings) of an B application from A application. How would I do that?


You can also designate an Android project as a library project, which allows it to be shared with other projects that depend on it. Once an Android project is designated as a library project, it cannot be installed onto a device.

Does it mean That I can not use my library on android market? My aim is to use default resources of Application A, but also if someone what he can download Application B and use it resources.