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Getting reference to a parameter of the outer function having a conflicting name




Please consider this code:

trait A {
  def a : Int

def f ( a : Int ) = {
  def a0 = a
  new A {
    def a = a0

The problem is quite evident: def a0 = a is a typical annoying boilerplate code and the situation only worsens when more parameters get introduced.

I am wondering if it's possible to somehow get a direct reference to the a variable of the outer scope inside the declaration of the instance of the trait and thus to get rid of the intermediate a0.

Please keep in mind that changing name of input parameter of the function is not allowed as is changing the trait.

like image 914
Nikita Volkov Avatar asked Sep 01 '12 15:09

Nikita Volkov

1 Answers

I don't think there is direct way to do that, because it would require some special (hypothetical) identifier thisMethod. However, depending on your context, the following two ways to avoid the name shadowing might be possible:

(1) Replace anonymous class A with implementing class:

case class AImpl(a: Int) extends A

def f(a : Int): A = AImpl(a)

(2) Define f in an abstract trait and use a concrete implementation for it:

trait F {
  def f(a: Int): A

object FImpl extends F {
  def f(a0: Int): A = new A { val a = a0 }

def test(factory: F): A = factory.f(a = 33)
like image 149
0__ Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09
