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Getting "Query too large" in BigQuery

I am storing event data in BigQuery, partitioned by day - one table per day. The following query failed:

select count(distinct event) 
from TABLE_DATE_RANGE(my_dataset.my_dataset_events_, SEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(1391212800), SEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(1393631999))

Each table is about 8GB in size.

Has anyone else experienced this error? Seems like it's limited by table size, because in this query, I've only limited it to just one column. When I use a smaller time range, it works.. but the whole point of using BigQuery was its support for large datasets.

like image 765
j_c Avatar asked Jun 30 '14 18:06


People also ask

How do you stop a BigQuery?

So, you want to cancel a BigQuery Data Transfer scheduled run (because you might have accidently created it 😉 and you cannot see any option to delete a particular entry. If you click DELETE at the top right, it will delete the whole configuration for that Data Transfer.

1 Answers

"Query too large" in this case means that the TABLE_RANGE is getting expanded internally to too many tables, generating an internal query that is too large to be processed.

This has 2 workarounds:

  • Query less tables (could you aggregate these tables into a bigger one?).
  • Wait until the BQ team solves this issue internally. Instead of using a workaround, you should be able to run this query unchanged. Just not today :).
like image 137
Felipe Hoffa Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10

Felipe Hoffa